Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Day 1
Meeting time with your leadership team to agree strategy and roll-out
Plans drawn up to share with Governors / Staff / Trustees
Day 2
Full day training for all staff - fiction
Day 3
Split over several face to face planning sessions with teachers to plan a fiction unit
Day 4
Leadership meetings to discuss roll-out so far, identifying barriers and champions
Monitoring of impact so far
Day 5
2x half days training sessions - EYFS + KS1 / KS2 non-fiction
Day 6
Split over several face to face planning sessions with teachers to plan a non-fiction unit
Day 7
Leadership meeting with evidence of planning and writing from your school to see strengths and areas to develop
Day 8
2x half days training sessions - EYFS + KS1 / KS2 poetry
Day 9
Split over several face to face planning sessions with teachers to plan a poetry unit
Day 10
1/2 day training for all staff on shared and guided writing
Leadership meeting with future focus for subject leaders to follow up on e.g. improving teachers' subject knowledge / use of assessment / SPAG intergration / reading links / wider curriculum links
Day 1
Meeting time with your leadership team to agree strategy and roll-out. Plans drawn up to share with Governors / Staff / Trustees
Day 2
Full day training for all staff - mastery approach
Day 3
Split over several face to face planning sessions with teachers to plan a place value unit
Day 4
Leadership meetings to discuss roll-out so far, identifying barriers and champions.
Monitoring of impact so far
Day 5
2x half days training sessions - EYFS + KS1 / KS2 calculations
Day 6
Split over several face to face planning sessions with teachers to plan a calculations unit
Day 7
Leadership meeting with evidence of planning and maths from your school to see strengths and areas to develop
Day 8
2x half days training sessions - EYFS + KS1 / KS2 fractions / percentages / decimals
Day 9
Split over several face to face planning sessions with teachers to plan a FPD unit
Day 10
1/2 day training for all staff on shape, space and measure
Leadership meeting with future focus for subject leaders to follow up on e.g. improving teachers' subject knowledge / use of assessment / STEM sentences / parental engagement / representations
1:1 time with a teachers to plan sequential learning using sound pedogeological approaches for learning.
Weekly sessions on key areas. This can be useful in small schools where there is not the capacity to fully support the development of an Early Career Teacher.
Mentoring or coaching for a new head in post.
How to support in English or maths.
How to run interventions successfully.
Training in spelling, grammar and punctuation for individuals or groups of teachers or support staff.
Training in calculations using manipulatives for teachers or support staff.
An external review of English or Maths to see where strengths are and areas that need development.